Author name: Ava Roberts

Revolutionizing Industries: Understanding the Power and Potential of Blockchain Technology

As a technology enthusiast, I have been fascinated by the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the way we do business. Blockchain technology is not just about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries. In this article, I will explore the power and potential of blockchain technology, …

Revolutionizing Industries: Understanding the Power and Potential of Blockchain Technology Read More »

Generate a graphgist of your graph on Graphgen

The Winter Graphgist Challenge Neo4j announced yesterday the Graphgist Winter Challenge. This is a good opportunity for everyone to show their graph modeling and cypher skills or an intuitive way for discovering graph databases. Graphgists are also amazing resources for Graph modeling and use-case examples. Bonus for those using Graphgen Graphgist document generation was initially …

Generate a graphgist of your graph on Graphgen Read More »

Découverte de Neo4j, la base de données graphe

Introduction Les bases de données graphe sont maintenant au coeur des piles technologiques utilisées par les entreprises traitant des données hautement connectées. Les graphes business, graphes sociaux, graphes de connaissances, graphes d’intérêts et graphes de médias sont des termes quotidiennement retrouvés dans les nouvelles technologiques. Et ceci pour une bonne raison. Le modèle graphe vous …

Découverte de Neo4j, la base de données graphe Read More »

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